Onboard new users faster, and with fewer errors

Incorporate stronger security and controls over user access to the system

  • Role-based access controls act like an extra layer of security to help you enforce company security policies by giving you complete oversight into which permissions are in use. With roles, the same level of access is unilaterally given to every user assigned to that role, greatly reducing the chances of producing outlier users with unauthorized levels of access.
  • Custom roles support countless permission combinations, extending your range of granular control over how users can access vHiveVoIP features. For each role, you can select the precise permissions you want to grant, and update your selections at any time.
  • Roles give you the flexibility to respond quickly to business needs. Deleting or adding roles as you need them or modifying existing ones to match new requirements is simple.
  • Use bulk upload options and templates to conveniently update and assign roles to users across the entire organization.

Custom admin roles, constructed with more granular permissions, can help you easily delegate specialized authority or jurisdiction to other admins. Easily delegate administrator activities with admin roles

  • Use admin roles to distribute administrative responsibilities among select users across your team or organization.
  • Assign admin roles for specific functions, like billing tasks or phone system setup, while restricting administrator-level changes to other parts of your vHiveVoIP system.
  • Custom admin roles, constructed with more granular permissions, can help you easily delegate specialized authority or jurisdiction to other admins.